LaB :

SPARK ATT全新璀璨登場,打造全球夜店新裝潢,營造出超炫麗的燈光,僅有的聲光影音同步結合,將成為全台灣最前衛的新型態夜店。全新的時尚吧檯、專屬VIP區與多變的燈光全廳採用全LED螢幕,將SPARK推向全台灣最新型態的夜店,也將掀起夜界的潮流。SPARK ATT引進最新的VIDEO效果結合全球最暢銷的音樂,無論hip-hop , RnB , Electro,與 House影音同步聲光特效, 低調奢華的室內裝潢,時尚的派對氛圍,讓您如同置身時尚名流般的體驗,與時尚名模一同在炫麗的空間共舞吧!
SPARK opened it’s doors has quickly cemented it’s place in the clubbing industry. Sporting a whole new club lighting scheme, a brand new sound system, and hot new live video mixing visuals, SPARK has quickly become the hottest spot in the city. Located in the lower level,becomes the newest addition to the Taipei nightlife scene. Designed by previous Plush and Mint owner and renowned interior designer Howard Liao, SPARK, includes VIP seating,a modern rectangular bar,a translucent glowing dance floor, a full stretch glowing ceiling, and an array of LCD screens. SPARK provides the best in hip-hop, Rnb, Electro, and House music to both Taiwan and international party goers. With it’s elegant decor, smooth vibes, and classy party atmosphere, you could find yourself crashing glasses with a local celebrity or dancing the night away with the nexr top model.
ELEKTRO夜店地址:台北市信義區松壽路12號7F(ATT 4 FUN)
7F, No. 12, Song Shou Rd.Taipei, Taiwan 110(ATT 4 FUN)
訂位專線 RSVP : 0919-953-612
- 關鍵字 : SPARK, 夜店, quickly, party, glowing, Taiwan, Taipei, Electro, 體驗, 音樂, 訂位專線, 燈光, 無論hip, 炫麗, 灣最新型態, 灣最前衛, 潮流, 氛圍, 新型態, 掀起夜界