LaB :

WAVE Club 为一崭新概念的顶级夜店暨表演会所,知名专业DJ、冶艳舞者驻店,高科技千丌舞台、无隔阂感官飨宴,结合夜店、各式特色表演、空中酒吧、夜景┅的多元娱乐潮流空间,声、色、光与音乐的完美融合,Club Myst 一流娱乐创意团队又一划时代力作,凌驾亚洲夜店规格、超越Las Vegas 的前卫奢华场域,引领都会夜生活新风潮。
EXTRAVAGANT / UNIQUE / SEDUCTIVE The creative team of Club Myst takes the night club concept to a new height with WAVE Club. With a unique dance floor,WAVE Club is sure to be the premiere destination for the elite of Taipei, combining clubbing, and event venue.WAVE Club will not just be like a club in Las Vegas ˉ it’s better than a club in Las Vegas.
WAVE夜店地址∶台北市信义区松寿路12号1楼 (ATT 4 FUN) 入口位於1F星巴克转角处,请由此搭乘WAVE专用电梯
12-1F, Song Shou Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City (Entrance is located on the corner of Starbucks Coffee.)
订位专线 RSVP : 0919-953-612
- 关键字 : Vegas, Taipei, 超越Las, 订位专线, 美融合, 结合夜店, 空中酒, 知名专业DJ, 引领, 夜景, 夜店, 地址, 光与音乐, venue, unique, twclub, takes, premiere, night, located