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Imagination of London

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Imagination of London

這張圖是用鉛筆述描再用 Photoshop 上色的,送給在 Starbucks 認識的新朋友 Naomi. 她希為我能畫一幅畫送給她,內容呢!跟歐洲和樹有關,所以我就發揮了一點自己的想像力,圖中主要的背景是英國的倫敦鐵橋,河岸呢則是完全自己想像的,所以跟實際的倫敦鐵橋不一樣的。

This paint was painted by pencils and image-process by Photoshop.

It was the gift to my new friend Naomi who meet at Starbucks.

  • This is a declared original article : « Imagination of London », to respect the copyright, please do not repost this article without the consent of the author.
  • Keywords : Starbucks, Photoshop, Naomi, 認識, 英國, 背景, 河岸呢則, 歐洲, 新朋友, 希為, 就發揮, 實際, 圖中主要, 內容呢, 倫敦鐵橋, 上色, 一點, process, pencils, painted
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