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BoardDiscussion SubjectAuthorHitoEclatLast update
Chord notation五月天 - 擁抱francis12,392 08-12-29
Chord notation范逸臣 - 國境之南francis10,496 08-12-29
Chord notation周杰倫 - 說好的幸福呢francis11,438 08-12-29
Chord notation范瑋琪 - 啟程francis8,799 08-12-29
Chord notation飛兒樂團(F.I.R.) - 月牙灣francis10,230 08-12-29
Chord notation飛兒樂團(F.I.R.) - Revolutionfrancis8,505 08-12-29
Chord notation楊丞琳 - 帶我走francis9,263109-01-05
Chord notation羅志祥 - 假如你還在這裡francis7,219 09-01-05
Chord notation羅志祥 - 搞笑francis9,341 09-01-15
Chord notation羅志祥 - 最後的風度francis10,726 09-01-15
Chord notation周杰倫 - 不能說的秘密francis9,121 09-06-07
Chord notation蘇打綠 - 小情歌francis9,616 09-06-07
Chord notation方炯鑌 - 壞人francis9,199 09-06-07
Chord notation梁靜茹 - 別再為他流淚francis7,701 09-06-10
Chord notation郭靜 - 下一個天亮francis8,443 09-06-10
Chord notation陳奕迅 - 愛情轉移francis9,257 09-06-10
Chord notation周杰倫 - 稻香francis9,436 09-06-15
Chord notation蔡卓妍、林俊傑 - 小酒窩francis10,595109-06-17
Chord notation陳綺貞 - 旅行的意義francis9,964 09-06-17
Chord notation曹格 - 背叛francis12,491 09-06-17
Chord notation柰by278超Q彈粉嫩好吸的雙汝讓你愛不釋手刺激您的感觀神經u000000013598499 23-03-28

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