Choice one of your driving method.
Analysis Result:
◆選A的人:把妹招數-英雄救美 雖然你是個宅男,不擅長說話,平時很木訥不太會交際,似乎沒有什麼異性緣,但因為你有一顆善良的心,只要看到弱小被欺負就會挺身而出,行俠仗義,展現男子漢的氣魄,這樣的你散發一股迷人的魅力,容易吸引到女生,進而發生出乎意料的戀曲,可說是好人有好報。 ※成功把妹指數50% ◆選B的人:把妹招數-甜言蜜語 ◆選C的人:把妹招數-出其不意 ◆選D的人:把妹招數-柔情攻勢 D : The seduce tricks you own is gentle and soft. You're honest guy. inside you, You looking forward a safty sense of belonging.You will love and care your mate even how work exhaust you. To create a new man in the image of homely, Hard working and try to create a romantic atmosphere. You will say Yes! whenever she make any request. You're truly a good man. Success Rate:70% |
- 本文為轉載文章
- 關鍵字 : 把妹招數, 心儀, create, 點豪氣霸道, 魅力, 選出, 辛苦勞累, 象可, 話語去吸引, 行俠仗義, 英雄救美, 若即若離, 花叢裡立足, 自信心, 耐性, 耍浪漫, 老實, 異性緣, 男人不壞, 用眼神