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      How influentital the Media on Teens Are

      How influentital the Media on Teens Are

      How influentital the Media on Teens Are

      It has been a hot topic discussed heatedly for the time being that how indeed the media influence our teens. Different peopie come up with different opinions. The following passages are two different comments given by several teenagers ranging from 15 to 20.

      One, Teens are the most influenced and the easiest to be influenced by the media. The media influence the way they dress, talk and conduct themselves. From the latest trends to the coolest celebrities, they imirate what they see, whether it's Katie Holmes's new haircut or the pink shirt that Christina Aguilera wore. So it follows that more serious actions like carrying arms or doing drugs could be copied as well.

      Young people are impressionable. Therefore, some request that the media should take responsibility by changing some of the content of their shows especially those for teens. They are huge consumers of media, so networks should show them respect by promoting positive images. They think some shows confuse the lines between entertainment and life.The producers know their audiences are young, so they should realize that teens watching "reality" shows might not be able to tell the difference between fantasy and fiction.

      Opposing voices have also come from others. They think that they use the media--magazines, television and movies--to connect to one another and to the world, so naturally,they're influenced by the images the media present. For example, a boy would be lying if he said he didn't want to be like Brad Pitt. Pitt's flawless style, good looks and moneymaking talent seem to define what's "cool".

      Nevertheless, those teens hold that the media only provide information, what they as viewers do with that knowledge is up to themselves. They have to learn to make their own choices and accept responsibility for their actions. To blame entertainment figures for certain crimes committed by teens is

      funny. It's not the fault of TV. Media are an expression of our culture--not the cause. It's time we stop making the media a scapegoat for our nation's problems. It's not the media's job to make sure kids understand what they're watching; that responsibility belongs to parents. Parents and schools should dedicate more time to establishing clear rules of discipline.The influence of parents and teachers--the teens' true role model--carries more weight with teenagers than what they hear on the radio or see at the movies.


      目前,傳媒於青少年的切實影響已經成為熱點話題,在 這方面討論也很熱烈,不同的人有不同的觀點。下面是幾個15到20歲的青少年的兩種看法。


      正因為青少年比較容易受影響,所以,有些人呼籲傳媒必須對青少年負責,改變其節目的某些內容——尤其是那些針對青少年的節目。 由於青少年是傳媒龐大的消費群體,因此傳媒網絡應該樹立正面的形象,以尊重他們。他們認為,一些節目模糊了娛樂表演和現實生活之間的界限。這些制片人知道,他們的觀眾還是小孩子,所以應該意識到觀看「仿真」節目的青少年,也許不能把想象與虛構分辨開來。


      盡管如此,這些青少年堅持認為傳媒僅僅是在傳遞信息,至於作為觀眾怎樣對待這些知識則由他們自己決定。他們應該學會自己做出選擇,為自己的行為承擔責任。 因為青少年的一些犯罪行為而去譴責娛樂圈內人士,這聽來實在荒謬。電視並沒有錯。傳媒也只是在表現文化,而不是造就文化。現在不應該再讓傳媒去當社會問題的替罪羊了。讓孩子們理解所看節目的內涵並不是傳媒的職責,他們的父母才應責無旁貸。孩子的父母和所在學校還應該投入更多的時間去制定明確的紀律規章。父母和老師才是青少年真正的楷模,他們帶來的影響遠遠超過青少年從收音機裏聽來的或是從電影中所看到的東西。

      • 關鍵字 : media, teens, 青少年, their, should, shows, responsibility, influenced, influence, 電視, 節目, 父母, 影響, 傳媒, 不同, watching, those, think, themselves, teenagers
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