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A dog can tell a lot about another dog just by looking at him and noting what the different parts of his body are doing that what we call doggie language.


Direct eye contact means a dog is feeling bold and confident
Casual eye contact means he’s contented
An averted gaze means deference
Dilated pupils indicate fear


Relaxed ears mean that a dog is calm
Erect ears show that a dog is alert and attentive
Ears that are up and forward mean a dog is challenging or being assertive
Ears that are laid back indicate that a dog is worried or scared

Body Movements

Pawing is an appeasing gesture
Licking another dog’s face is an invitation to play or a sign of deference
Play-bowing (front legs extended, rump up, tail wagging) is an invitation to play and a sign of happiness
Draping the head over another dog’s shoulders is a sign of boldness
Freezing in place means a dog is frightened
Rubbing or leaning against another dog is a companionable gesture

Mouth and Lips

Panting means that a dog is feeling playful or excited, or maybe he’s just hot
A dog with the mouth and lips closed is uncertain or appeasing
Licking the lips is a sign a dog is worried or is being appeasing
A relaxed mouth means a dog is calm
Lips pulled back are a challenging or warning sign
Hackles (the hair on the shoulders and hips)
Raised hackles indicate arousal, either because a dog is frightened or is challenging another dog
Smooth hackles show a dog is calm


A relaxed tail means a dog is calm and at ease
Tail held straight out, wagging rhythmically and slowly, means that a dog is cautious or on guard
Tail down indicates worry or uncertainty
Tail held up and wagging fast indicates excitement
An erect tail is a sign of alertness
A tail between the legs is a sign of fear

  • 本文為轉載文章 [原文]
  • 關鍵字 : means, another, wagging, indicate, challenging, appeasing, worried, shoulders, relaxed, mouth, invitation, indicates, hackles, gesture, frightened, feeling, deference, contact, being, Licking
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