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      Why free VPNs are very dangerous.

      Why free VPNs are very dangerous.

      Why free VPNs are very dangerous.
      What is the difference between paid and free VPN
      VPN services differ in security, purpose, protocols and access price. In the latter, the difference between paid and free solutions is particularly interesting.

      In the first case, there are no questions to monetization. The user pays money for the use of private networks. And these funds cover technical costs, employee salaries and other costs.

      With free harder. There is no charity, so the benefit of the owners is indirect. They could be monetized by advertising, but implementation is problematic. The question arises — what is the catch?!

      And it's all about the cooperation of the owners of VPN services with partners who are interested in the information transmitted with their help.

      Why can't you trust all VPN services
      Imagine a VPN as a special corridor through which your data goes to bypass closed doors or locks. If you paid for the pass, no one is interested in your information. If not — in this corridor is a camera that captures the action.

      In this case, the corridor is not just a stream of information about the sites that you use. With him for hand go logins, passwords and other information, which can value.
      Even Opera, which has built in a VPN to bypass locks, sells user data to advertisers. This was reported personally by the head of the company SurfEasy, which was bought by the owners of the browser just for the global implementation of the opportunity.

      With anonymizers without a big name, things are even worse. They not simply can, and pour information about you right and left, to earn. There is no other way to monetize, and this was confirmed by the history of a VPN add - on for browsers named Hola.

      CyberGhost, TunnelBear, Hide Me, VPNGate, Windscribe and so on-a list of faceless services that can be continued indefinitely. Trusting them with the flow of your data is a big risk.

      • 本文由作者宣告為原創文章, 為尊重著作權, 未經作者同意請勿任意轉載
      • 關鍵字 : information, which, services, owners, other, corridor, about, locks, interested, implementation, difference, costs, bypass, between, There, worse, without, value, trust, transmitted
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      siyun330 :

      Thats why we need pay VPN
      0 0

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