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catch 22 左右為難 (neil / 25454 / 1)09-08-06
捏造藉口、編理由 (neil / 26441 / 0)10-05-24
Speaking ill 說人壞話 (neil / 26201 / 1)10-05-24
Ah 是什麼意思 (neil / 44623 / -1)09-09-01
英語的禁忌語與俚語 (neil / 30305 / 0)09-12-07
a little bird told me 聽說 (neil / 27748 / 0)10-01-06
The third wheel 電燈泡 (neil / 23055 / 0)10-01-06
On the side 腳踏兩條船 (neil / 23930 / 1)10-05-24
常用口語蒐集 (neil / 25106 / 1)10-01-06
one-woman(man) 從一而終 (neil / 24153 / 1)10-01-06
Long distance relationship 遠距愛情 (neil / 24863 / 1)11-04-14
Chivalry 紳士風度 (neil / 27080 / 1)10-01-06
Smooch 親吻 (neil / 22919 / 0)10-01-06
Seduce 勾引 (neil / 27935 / 1)10-01-06
It's cool 很好 (neil / 23036 / 1)10-01-06
It is neat! 太酷了 (neil / 25595 / 1)10-01-06
It's righteous! 酷斃了 (neil / 22757 / 0)10-01-06
It's good 很好 (neil / 24296 / 0)10-01-06
That's great 太好了 (neil / 37717 / 1)10-01-06
Morning glory 牽牛花 (neil / 29097 / 1)10-01-06
Smooth 花言巧語 (neil / 28463 / -1)10-01-06
Play hard to get 欲擒故縱 (neil / 39603 / 1)10-01-06
The Top 5 Ways to Tell if a Woman Is Hitting On You (neil / 32614 / 1)10-01-06
ATM 自動提款機英文操作字彙 (landy / 67612 / 1)10-01-14
Why a CSS website layout will make you money (neil / 23164 / 0)10-01-16
Love is like a butterfly (neil / 19912 / 1)10-01-23
『心結』的英文 (neil / 45611 / 0)10-02-27
什麼是 yadda (neil / 24629 / 0)10-03-05
什麼是 pull off the upset (neil / 24261 / 0)10-05-24
高根鞋的英文 (neil / 24711 / 0)10-04-28
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